Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11th Update!

It's been a while for news from us, but we've been busy with our projects to raise money. We have the book, Superdogs for Super Kids, the t-shirts, and the tote bags.

The t-shirt campaign ends on April 16th - that's next week so get yours now!

The tote campaign ends April 19th - so hurry for that too!

The book will continue to be available, and it's on AMAZON NOW!!!

I'm so pleased to announce we're at $6,000 for fundraising!!!!!

We are so close to our goal, I can practically smell the dog already! Lmao. But really, Lark is coming in just TWO WEEKS!!!

The remainder of the money we need to raise is for her continued training here with us. Thank you to everyone who's helped and shared and bought and donated! You guys rock!

Major shout out to my daughter's school for $315 in bake sale goods <3

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